International Labour Organization

ILO | Unilateral suspension of Labour Laws by the Government in India | Notification

  • This joint representation is the follow up with more concrete details on our complaint/representation to you dated 14th May 2020
  • Importantly, the states of Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and Gujarat are ceasing application of Trade union Act, 1926 which is the main plank of Freedom of Association and Industrial Disputes Act which provides scope for collective bargaining and also right to strike, along with other substantive labour laws for a period of 3 years

We need to mention here that such action by the State Governments in connivance with the Govt of India contravenes the basic principle of the Constitution of our country which in its article 19(1) (c) says- “Trade union right is the fundamental right of the citizens to form an association. It is an organization or permanent relationship between its members in the matter of common concern. It thus includes the right to form company, societies, partnership, trade union, and political parties.”

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