

The following rules have been laid down regarding the time of payment of wages:

  • any railway, factory or industrial or other establishment upon or in which less than 1000 persons are employed, shall be paid before the expiry of the seventh day,
  • any other railway, factory or industrial or other establishment, where the number of workers exceed 1000, shall be paid before the expiry of the tenth day,
  • In the case of persons employed on a dock, wharf or jetty or in a mine, the balance of wages found due on completion of the final tonnage account of the ship or wagons loaded or unloaded, as the case may be, shall be paid before the expiry of the seventh day from the day of such completion.
  • Where the employment of any person is terminated by or on behalf of the employer, the wages, earned by him shall be paid before the expiry of the second working day from the day on which his employment is terminated:
  • HR Generalist Practical Training
  • Labor Law Training
  • PoSH Training
  • Advance Excel Training
  • Corporate Training ( PoSH, Awareness Program, Soft Skill Training, HR Training, etc…)
  • PF-ESI Registration
  • Payroll Training

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