Procedure for Strike & Lockout:

Procedure for Strike & Lockout

  • Strike & lockout is a useful tool for employees & Employer
  • These rights have been recognized act
  • ACT has prohibited the resort to strike & lockout in certain circumstances
  • Prohibition is based on Public Policy
  • Sec. 22 Prohibition of strike and lockout (Public utility service)
  • Acc. Sec 22(1) For going on strike
    • Give notice to the employer in prescribed manner
    • After giving notice strike within a 6 weeks
    • 14 Days have expired after such notice
  • The intention of 14 days: reasonable time to explore the possibility of stopping the strike
  • If the strike is before the expiry of 14 days then the strike is illegal.
  • Report within 5 days to Appropriate Gov regarding strike or lockout

Rakesh Parmar

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